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Monday, April 26, 2010

New Blog ~ time for change!

TIME for a FACE LIFT!  ~ My husband and I just got back from Florida and I had a lot of time to reflect and think what does Appleye mean to me?  Well, I am moving my blog this week to a very exciting and new {B}log that will encompass most of all photography, some travels, and some bits and pieces of life!
Writing, photos, and exploring have been obsessions of mine since I learned how to ride a bike and I have been wanting to get something that evokes the word Appleye Photography with just a glance of the page!

My fantabulous graphic designer, Stacy {http://www.stacynelvin.com/} and I have come up with some wild ideas and have been looking forward to getting it started.  Stacy is also engaged to Dan and is getting married in Mexico on the beach this February!  My beloved camera and I can't wait to shoot the Wedding, and are very honored for being able to participate in the festivities that will take place!  {Stay tuned for engagement photos soon!}
I also wanted to say thank you for those of you who read and follow the {B}log... I know I haven't been the best bloggigity blogger out there but with inspiration and determination comes greatness ~


About Me

My photo
St. Paul, MN, United States
My passion for photography began as a teenager. Magazines were my inspiration and art class was my escape from real work. When I got married searching for a photographer was bliss for me, I really started to examine different photographer's styles and was inspired by many. My soft {soft} spot for animals and kids is ridiculous!~ So what could be any better than combining my passion for photography and my love for animals and kids? Maybe photographing Weddings? It's a tie I love both! Enjoy~ Website: www.appleyephotos.com